Moetsi oa lipoleiti tsa mabitso, Beche ea Cartoon | WEIHUA

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Moetsi oa lipoleiti tsa mabitso-nameplate weihua

Tloaelo e tloaelehileng ea kalafo ea bokaholimo bakeng sa masenke celik: Ho na le haholo-holo holim'a thulaganyou e litla kang ho borashe, mananose, electroplating, sandblasting, holim seiponeng le tham mong bang laser fatiloeng. Re tla tsebisa ts'ebetso ea laser e ngotsoeng le e khethiloeng ka nakoana.

Laser o fatiloeng lejoeng (tham mong bang laser tsejoang hape e le tham mong bang laser fatiloeng, tham mong bang laser tšoaea), tham mong bang laser fatiloeng ke thulaganyou e kalafo holim, tšoanang le skrine khatiso le sebaka oa khatiso, ke tshebetso kalafo holim hore chesa dipaterone, kapa mongolo holim 'a sehlahiswa.

Product Qaqileng

Lihlahisoa tsa Product

Lipoleiti tsa Lebitso la Metal

Lebitso Phahameng e bentšitsoeng taemane seha nameplate
Tlanya Tapa lebitso la poleiti
Boholo ka boholo boo o bo kopileng
Boitsebiso Aluminium ea 1070
Holim a qete taemane e seha + lijo-thollo tse phahameng tse bentšitsoeng 
Tshebetso Ho itšeha + ho hatakela + Mochini oa khatiso oa oli + Ho haella + Ho penta + Ho baka + Ho itšeha ha taemane + Ho phatsima ho phahameng + Ho hlahloba ka botlalo + Sephutheloana 
Kopo Sebaka se phahameng sa aluminium



Lisebelisoa tse sebetsang:

E ka ikamahanya le hoo e batlang e le lisebelisoa tsohle: khalase ea polasetiki, poleiti ea mebala e 'meli, khalase, poleiti ea rabara, poleiti ea PVC, poleiti ea tšepe (aluminium, tšepe e sa hloekang, jj.), Kristale, lehoakhoa, tšepe e nyanyalitsoeng le lisebelisoa tse ling tse sa tšepe le tšepe tse tloaelehileng.


1. Mefuta e mengata;

2. Theko e tlase;

3. Qeto e phahameng, le ka mohla e se felloe ke matla;

4. Lebelo le potlakileng la ho tšoaea, ho tšoaea setšoantšo se setle;

5.Sireletsehile ebile e ts'epahala, e sebetsa hantle haholo ho fihlela 0.02mm;

6. Eco-friendly, ho itšeha ho sebetsa ho boloka lisebelisoa, polokeho le bophelo bo botle;

7. Phello e lumellanang, lebelo le phahameng le lebelo, anti-fake.

Tlhaloso ea electroplating

Electroplating ke mokhoa oa ho sebelisa electrolysis ho beha tšepe kapa alloy holim 'a mosebetsi ho etsa junifomo ea tšepe e teteaneng le e ntle, e bitsoang electroplating. Kutloisiso e bonolo ke phetoho kapa motsoako oa fisiks le k'hemistri.

Kenyelletso ea phello ea motlakase:

Ho roala holimo haholo

Matlapa a matte

Pearl chrome e koahetse


Pente e nyalisitsoeng

Karolo e sa fellang

Ho roala mebala

Haeba u rata ho ikopanya le morekisi oa rona oa thekiso tlanya mona

Ts'ebetso ea mantlha e bonts'a joalo ka tlase

St.St. plate

Mohato oa 1: St. poleiti

Laser cut according to the engineering dwg

Mohato oa 2: Laser e sehiloe ho latela boenjiniere dwg

Film or coating in the dust-free shop, light exposure imaging

Mohato oa 3: Ho etsa filimi kapa ho roala lebenkeleng le se nang lerōle, litšoantšo tse hlahisang khanya

Etching, ie, remove material by way of chemical reaction or physical corrosion

Mohato oa 4: Ho ruruha, ke hore, tlosa lisebelisoa ka tsela ea lik'hemik'hale kapa ts'enyeho ea 'mele

Industry oven, hi-temp, low-temp & constant temp.

Mohato oa 7: Ovine ea indasteri, tempele ea hi-temp, temp-low & temp e sa fetoheng.

Get deepened by etching once, and texture finish by twice etching, like snow grain.

Mohato oa 5: Kena botebo ka ho cheka hanngoe, 'me litlolo li qete ka makhetlo a mabeli, joalo ka lijo-thollo tsa lehloa.

Professional inspectors and packaging workers

Mohato oa 8: Bahlahlobi ba litsebi le basebetsi ba liphutheloana

Done in the dust-free shop, by professional workers and advanced equipment

Mohato oa 6: E entsoe lebenkeleng le se nang lerōle, ke basebetsi ba litsebi le lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele

Applied as precision etched parts for the electronic thin components for the aviation industry, machinery and chemical industry

Mohato oa 9: E sebelisoa e le likarolo tse nepahetseng tsa likarolo tsa elektronike tse tšesaane bakeng sa indasteri ea lifofane, mechini le indasteri ea lik'hemik'hale

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa oa hau mona ebe u o romella ho rona